martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Video para que aprendas Inglés

Durante estos días de reposo he refrescado mi memoria viendo una serie infantil de animación entrañable: Postman Pat . Me  ha recordado mi primera estancia en Inglaterra como au-pair.    ¡ La cantidad de cuentos de Postman Pat  que leí haciendo baby-sitting.!

Aqui puedes leer  la letra :                                                      y video para practicar

Postman Pat, Postman Pat
and his black and white cat
early in the morning                                                                    
just as the day is dawning
he fits the postbags in his van.

All the birds are singing,
Day is just beginning
Pat fells he´s a really happy man.                                        
Everyboby knows his bright red van,
all his friends would smile
as he waves to Greensdale.

Maybe, you can never be sure
there will be a Knock, ring,
letters though your door.

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